California squid 150-300g/ks - Do you want to clean the calamari?: no
English name: California squid
Latin name: Loligo vulgaris
Country of origin: USA
FAO: 21
Catch method: Wild catch
Recommended storage temperature : 0-2°C
Product PLU code: 217-1-2Shipping and Payment
Tomáš Kuraňko
star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 Rating value is 5 of 5
PositivesKrásne čerstvé, chuťovo jemné
PositivesKrásne čerstvé, chuťovo jemné
Helen Zhu
star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 Rating value is 5 of 5
PositivesExcellent. I use it to make seafood paella and it was so tender.
PositivesExcellent. I use it to make seafood paella and it was so tender.
Anatoly Gerber
star 1 star 2 star 3 star 4 star 5 Rating value is 2 of 5
NegativesDostal jsem 700g místo 1 kg
NegativesDostal jsem 700g místo 1 kg